Friday, August 31, 2007

Behind the Scenes of "Ashes to Ashes"

Here are the first photos from the set of Keeley's new production for the BBC, Ashes to Ashes (2008)! In the first photo she is with Rupert Graves (who knew he was associated with the production?!); in the others she is with Philip Glenister (grey suit) and Dean Andrews (leather jacket). Keeley's fur coat is pretty fabulous!

Philip's official website has a nice description of A2A right here.

(First photo from the The Railway Arms message board and posted by bozzzydmc; other three from the BBC via Philip Glenister's official website -- thanks sonny2fine.)

Also -- I updated the links (top right-hand side).

Friday, August 24, 2007


Keeley as Ella (Lady Macbeth) in Macbeth (2005), part of the BBC's "Shakespeare Retold" series.

(Photo credit: BBC Drama website.)

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Tag Huer party

Keeley and Matthew attending the opening night party for Tag Heuer's Strength & Beauty Exhibition at the Henry Moore Gallery in London (8 February 2007).