KH was one of several minor celebrities who appeared in a campaign for Harrod's in the spring of 2006. They're pretty terrible scans, but it's hard to get good scans from the cheap, thin paper Vogue is printed on.
(Picture scanned by yours truly for the Keeley Hawes Photo Archive from the May 2006 issue of British Vogue.)
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These photos of Keeley appeared in a British magazine around 2005. There was an accompaning article in which she explained why she liked it (as well as the name!), but unfortuntely I can't find it online anymore. (If you have the link, please post it!).
[Photos originally from Keeley Hawes: Between the Lines (site no longer online).]
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Television: Keeley is currently filming Upstairs, Downstairs (a successor to the original '70s program). It is expected to air this autumn on the BBC and this winter on PBS. Keeley's show for ITV show, Identity, aired this July/August, and the third and final series of Ashes to Ashes aired on the BBC in April/May 2010. Videogames:Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Guardian of Light is expected to be released summer 2010.
Other News: Keeley is currently appearing in print and television advertisements for Boots No. 7 product line.
This website is entirely not-for-profit. It is run by a fan. I try to credit all sources. If you feel a photograph is being used inappropriately -- or have any other comments or questions -- please leave a comment to any post, and I will respond as quickly as I am able.